Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Insurance Company Sued Over Cancellations

Here we go again. This time, it's the HMO giant, Health Net, accused in a new lawsuit filed by the Los Angeles city attorney of enticing people into the plan, then turning around and canceling their coverage when they actually need it (LA Times, February 21, 2008, "L.A. sues insurer over cancellations").

The company defrauded thousands of policyholders using 'a wide range of unlawful, unfair and fraudulent acts and practices' aimed at avoiding payment for expensive treatment by canceling the policies of those who needed it, 'rendering that coverage largely illusory,' the suit maintained."

Again, no big surprise there. Anyone who has spent more than a day or two in a hospital or nursing home under one of these so-called health plans knows how the insurance bean counters swoop down in hordes to try and find a way to get out of paying for the care you need and thought you were entitled to.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Blue Cross Enlisting Doctors to Help Cancel Your Insurance

According to the L.A. Times, Blue Cross sent out letters to doctors asking them to look for pre-existing medical conditions and report them to the insurer so that they could cancel these patients' medical insurance.,0,4319662.story

We know that Michael Moore's "Sicko" barely scratched the surface of insurance skullduggery and shenanigan aimed at cheating people out of the insurance coverage they thought they had, nor is this latest L.A. Times report at all surprising. Anyone in a Medicare HMO who has ever been in the hospital or nursing home knows the type of tricks these chiselers pull, literally running up and down the halls frantically searching for a way to get out of paying the bills. This is just another instance of the HMO greedbags leaving no stone unturned in their continuous quest for ways of shirking their obligation to provide health care. The bottom line: for-profit insurers do not and cannot provide the health care that people need because they make more money denying people health care, and they have every incentive to do so. It is a system doomed to fail from the start.